viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Language, Learning, And Teaching. By H. Douglas Brown.

1.- What is a permanent struggle in teaching/learning? A permantent struggle is the management of the second language indentity that we create when we learn a second language, beyond the confines of our first language. 2.- Are we equipped with a do-it-yourself-kit? Language learning is not a set of easy steps that can be programmed in a quik do-it-yourself-kit. Many variables are involved in the acquisition process. 3.- Why do people learn or fail to learn a language? Because it's necessary that the teacher needs to know something about the intricate web of variables that are spun together to affect how and why one learners fails when they learn a second language. 4.- Name the issues to consider in second language acquisition. The current issues in second language acquisition (SLA) may be initially approached as a multitude of questions that are being asked abour this complex process. Those of the questions are: Who? -> These question focus attention on some of the crucial variables affecting both learners' successes in acquiring a foreing language and teachers' capacities to enable learners to achieve that aquisition. What? -> These profound questions are of course central to the discipline of linguistics. How? -> Refers to where the learning take place, what is the optimal interrelationship of cognitive, affective, and physical domains for successful language learning. When -> One of the key issues in second language research and teaching is the differential success of children and adults in learning a second language. Where? -> Refers in whitch "foreign" language context the second language is heard and spoken Why? -> These question have been posed to give you an inkling of the diversity of issues involved in the quest for understanding the principles of language learning and teaching. 5.- What are the motivations to learn a language? This question have been posed, in very global terms, to give us an inkling of the diversity of issues involved in the quest for understanding the principles of language learning and teaching. 6.- What is a PARADIGMA? Paradigma it's an interlocking design, a theory of second language acquisition. 7.- Give 3 definitions of LANGUAGE. "Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently". ( Pinker). "Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one anothe" (Introductory texbooks) "Systematic communication by vocal symbols" ( Concise Columbia Encyclopedia). 8.- What is the relation between language and cognition? A foreing language teacher effectively teach a language if they don't know, even in general, something about the relationship between language and cognition. 9.- Which are some LEARNING definitions? "Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice" (Kimble & Garmezy) "Acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction". 10.- Can we define TEACHING apart from LEARNING? Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to lear, setting the conditions for learning . 11.- What is the importance of our PEDAGOGICAL PHILOSOPHY? Our understanding of how the learner, learns will determine our philosophy of education, our teaching style, our approach, methods and classroom techniques. 12.- Refer to the 3 schools of thought is SLA? a) Structuralism/Behaviorism During the 40' and the 50' the structural, or descriptive, school of linguistics prided itself in a rigorous application of the scientific principle of observation of human languages. The linguistic's task, according to the structuralist, was to describe human languages and to identify the structural characteristics of those languages. Among psychologists, a behavioristic paradigm also focused on publicity observable responses, those that can be objectively perceived. b) Rationalism and Cognitive Psychology This school of linguistics emerged through the influence of Noam Chomsky; he was trying to show that human language cannot be scrutinized simply in terms of observable stimuli and responses on the volumes of raw data gathered by field linguists. Cognitive phsychologists sought to discover underlying motivations and deep structures of human behavior by using a rational approach. c) Constructivism Constructivism argue that all human beings construct their own version of reality, and therefore multiple constrasting ways of knowing and describing are equally legitimate. 13.- Describe the GTM. The grammar translation method of foreign language teaching is one of the miost traditional methods in the classroom. It was originally used to teach "dead" languages (and literatures) such as latin and Greek, involving little or no spoken communication or listening comprehension. This method it focuses on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one language into the other. The vocabulary in the target language is learned through direct translation from the native language, it is taught in the form of isolated word list. e.g. with vocabulary test such as: the house = la casa the mouse = el ratón

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